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Dr. Ryan Harris, MD is a board certified dermatologist located in Meridian, Idaho who has over a decade of experience in treating rosacea. He understands the importance of creating a personalized treatment plan to help you achieve your goals of clearer skin. If you are suffering from rosacea or any other skin conditions, contact our office to schedule an appointment today.
What is rosacea?
Rosacea is a common condition consisting of facial redness, flushing, prominent blood vessels, and sometimes small pimples and pustules. It is most common in fair-skinned individuals. The condition typically appears after age 30 and becomes more prominent with age. The condition tends to go through periods of remission and relapses.
What causes rosacea?
Rosacea doesn't have a single identifiable cause, but is likely due to multiple factors. There is a strong genetic component as it often runs in families. Alterations in the skin and gut microbiome also seem to play a role. Different microbes living on the skin including bacteria and a mite called demodex have been shown to be associated with rosacea. Triggers such as ultraviolet light exposure, temperature change, exercise, spicy food, alcohol, stress, air pollution, and smoking are also likely causes.
How is rosacea treated?
There are many different treatments for rosacea and the choice is both dependent on patient preference and the severity of the disease. The first step is to try and avoid any of the triggers lister above. Use of a broad spectrum sunscreen is important to prevent worsening of the disease. Mild cases can be treated with a variety of topical medications. More severe cases may require oral medications for patients who are motivated and willing to take a pill. For those with prominent blood vessels, laser or similar light-based treatments may be needed to destroy the superficial blood vessels and reduce redness. Use of cosmetics, specifically green-tinted cosmetics, can be helpful in reducing the appearance of rosacea.
See a Board Certified Dermatologist today!